Mexico - Mushrooms

Mexico - Mushrooms: 10 Days

from $3,770USD
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Delve into the heart of ancestral wisdom with Inward Travel's Authentic Mazatec Psilocybin Retreat in the mystical mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. Nestled in the lush Sierra Mazateca mountains, our retreat offers a rare opportunity to experience traditional Mazatec psilocybin ceremonies, guided by local shamans steeped in generations of sacred knowledge.

At our retreat, you'll embark on a transformative journey through the powerful world of psilocybin, an entheogenic medicine revered for its ability to facilitate profound self-discovery and spiritual growth. Our experienced Mazatec shamans will lead you in sacred ceremonies, drawing upon their ancestral wisdom to support your healing and expansion of consciousness.

Join us at our Authentic Mazatec Psilocybin Retreat in Huautla de Jiménez, where you'll be guided on a transformative journey of healing, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Experience the profound wisdom of Mazatec traditions and unlock the boundless potential within your own heart and soul.



  • Day 1   (Arrival at Oaxaca)

    Welcome to Oaxaca! Once you've arrived and settled into your accommodations, enjoy a welcome dinner with the group to get acquainted.

  • Day 2   (Visit to Monte Albán)

    After breakfast, we will head out for a guided tour of Monte Albán, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most significant archaeological sites in Mexico. Return to the house for dinner and relaxation.

  • Day 3   (Opening Mushroom Ceremony)

    Today, we will prepare for our first Psilocybin mushroom ceremony guided by Shaman Eugenia Casimiro. This will be a transformative day of introspection and deep spiritual exploration.

  • Day 4   (Rest and Relaxation)

    Chill day at the house Enjoy a relaxed day at the house, process your experiences from the ceremony, and enjoy optional guided tours of the local Guacamaya birds in their natural habitat.

  • Day 5   (Second Mushroom Ceremony)

    Embark on your second Psilocybin mushroom ceremony today, delving deeper into your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

  • Day 6   (Rest and Relaxation)

    Another day for rest, reflection, and optional personal activities at the house.

  • Day 7   (Closing Mushroom Ceremony)

    Today marks our final Psilocybin ceremony. This transformative experience will serve as a capstone to our journey together.

  • Day 8   (Visit to El Tule and Mitla)

     After breakfast, we stop at El Tule to marvel at the world's widest tree. From there, we continue to Mitla for a mezcal tasting session and dinner.

  • Day 9   (Hierve El Agua Excursion)

    We will spend the day at Hierve el Agua, a set of natural rock formations resembling cascades of water. Enjoy the picturesque views and take a dip in the mineral-rich pools. We'll return to Oaxaca for the night.

  • Day 10   (Departure)

    After a closing breakfast, we'll bid our farewells and depart from Oaxaca, carrying with us the profound insights and connections we've formed throughout this journey.

More Information

  • Who is this retreat for?

    This retreat is for adults aged 21 and over who are seeking a deep, transformative journey guided by the wisdom of Psilocybin mushrooms. It's perfect for those ready for introspection and looking to foster deep connections with self, others, and nature.

  • What is Psilocybin? (MXM)

    Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain species of mushrooms, often referred to as "magic mushrooms". It has been used by various cultures for centuries for spiritual and therapeutic purposes.

  • Can you describe the Mushroom Ceremony? (MXM)

    Our Mushroom Ceremony is a time-honored ritual guided by Eugenia Casimiro, a renowned shaman from the international council of 13 indigenous grandmothers. Each ceremony is unique, with experiences ranging from introspective journeys to deep emotional releases.

  • What diet should I follow for the ceremony? (MXM)

    We recommend a diet free from alcohol, caffeine, red meat, and processed foods in the days leading up to the ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, we suggest a light, vegetarian meal.

  • What is the culture of San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán? (MXM)

    San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán is a community deeply rooted in the Cuicatec and Mixtec traditions, known for their connection to earth and the spiritual world. The town has a rich history with psychedelic mushrooms, with a lineage of shamans using them in healing rituals.

  • What is the climate of San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán in August? (MXM)

    August in San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán is part of the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 32°C (72°F to 89°F). It's best to pack layers and rain gear.

  • What to pack for San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán? (MXM)

    Pack versatile clothing suitable for variable weather, hiking shoes, rain gear, swimwear, and essential toiletries. Don't forget a good book, a journal, a refillable water bottle, insect repellent, sunscreen, and personal medicine.

  • Who are the facilitators? (MXM)

    Our retreats are guided by experienced facilitators well-versed in plant medicine and its healing potential. They are there to provide guidance, support, and ensure your safety throughout the retreat.

  • What are the accommodations like? (MXM)

    We provide comfortable, clean accommodations designed to facilitate relaxation and introspection. Each participant has their private room in a serene setting, conducive for the healing process.

  • Can solo travelers come? (MXM)

    Absolutely! Our retreats are perfect for solo travelers. They offer opportunities to form deep connections with other like-minded individuals from around the world.

  • How do I handle money/tipping? (MXM)

    We recommend bringing some cash for personal expenses and tipping. While tipping isn't mandatory, it's a way to show appreciation for the staff's hard work.

  • What are the flight arrangements to Oaxaca City? (MXM)

    Participants should arrange their flights to arrive at Oaxaca City. We'll provide transportation to and from the retreat location.

  • What 's included? (MXM)

    All meals while at our retreat center, transportation and lodging

    Not included: ​​​​​​​We do not include the cost of the medicine for these ceremonies, which you can pay directly to the Shamans for. The cost is very reasonable, but this is a transaction Inward Travel doesn't participate in. 

  • What about digital detox? (MXM)

    We encourage a digital detox during the retreat to allow for deep introspection and connection with nature and other participants. However, we understand the necessity to stay connected, so limited Wi-Fi access is available.

  • Can you tell me more about the group size? (MXM)

    To ensure a private, intimate experience, we limit our retreats to 12 participants. This small group size allows for personalized attention and creates a supportive environment conducive for deep introspection and personal growth.